We know when the end of summer/monsoon season is near when the flying ants come out of hiding. I don't know what their exact name is, but we just call them "flying ants". The only live for a day and their only purpose seems to be reproduction. In the morning, they swirl around in a GIANT swarm and then drop to the ground to die. I don't know if they mate in the air or on the ground. They must put off some sort of scent or something that keeps the birds away while they do this. By the end of the afternoon, they're all on the ground starting to die. It's not until the next morning that the birds come to eat them.
This picture is a couple weeks old. I know, it's not scrapbook related or anything. I just think it's interesting.
Wow that's a lot of flying ants, I hate them and do not know there purpose. Just annoying creatures that just leave a mess behind.
Kaye x
That gives me the heebie jeebies. Furtunately they don't last long.
wow, i have never heard of that before.....luckily they don't live long....
Kind of cool and really gross all at the same time!!
:) Amy
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