
Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Christmas photo practice session

I didn't want a repeat of last year's Christmas photo disaster so I'm planning something a little different.

We're going to do the pictures at home this year.

Erik and I hit Michael's today and bought a few Christmas pieces and some fake poinsettias. Fake because I know Sookie would try to eat real ones.

I set up the scene but didn't feel like dealing with Kat's hair so we just practiced with what she was already wearing. One thing I've already learned is that we're going to have to put the dogs inside when we do this. Zoe wants to get in the picture and/or have her ball thrown. She drops it on the bench and waits. Liberty likes to walk back and forth in front of the camera just to be annoying and Gigi is always trying to lick my hand.

I have cacti needles in my leg because I moved the bench too close to the Cow's Tongue Prickly Pear. dogs and move the bench up. Got it. We'll try it again after I figure out how to get the big knot of hair out of Kat's head.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, Zoe, Liberty and Gigi just want to be included in the picture! lol


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