
Monday, December 29, 2014

We've talked about this before...

It's one of the reasons I wanted to go to vet tech school.

Low Cost Euthanasia
Better Low Cost Euthanasia
Improved Low Cost Euthanasia

One of the hardest situations at the Help Desk is when the working poor come in to euthanize their family pet.

They've spent 10+ years with this animal and because they don't have $200-$300 for euthansia, they have no choice but to drop their suffering animal off at PACC.  For $15, PACC will euthanize them. However, before that happens, their beloved pets will sit on a cement floor next to the cooler that reeks of death. The animals can wait for hours, sad, alone, scared and confused.

The family doesn't get the option of sitting with their animal and holding their paw while they pass.

They don't get their ashes back but they can ask for the body.

Animals are killed usually during a scheduled time. Animals may have to suffer a bit before they are put down at scheduled euth times.

I don't know if everyone knows this, but since it was brought up in the vet's euthanasia meeting that I had to miss, I'm going to share it here... catheters aren't always used. A catheter will get the poison to the place it needs to be quicker. Miss a vein, it hurts and the tech tries again until they get a vein. It's not always "humanely done". "Humanely done" would be at least be with a catheter. Unfortunately, shelter life does not give time for this. Too many animals need attention and care. This is also an emotional drain on the tech that has to do so many of these in a day.

I can't even imagine how difficult it is to leave your suffering pet with strangers and walk away with nothing.

Today my mother donated air drying clay and several copies of the Rainbow Bridge poem. 

The other volunteer and I made paw print impressions for the families that had to bring in their pet for euthanasia because they can't afford anything else. Each paw print also got a Rainbow Bridge poem.

It was the first time I felt like I was helping people. We're not just there for the animals but we're also there for the families.

I'll never forget today the large woman bending over her dog and saying goodbye. She was bawling and her family was crying. She didn't want to leave and the family was coaxing her to go. The coat she wore was tattered, dirty and coming apart at the seam in the back and I could see the lining. It was just falling apart in front of me.

People leaving their animals at PACC to die should never leave empty handed. I'm glad I was able to help her with the smallest of tokens...a paw print impression of her beloved dog.

I always add a picture to my post. This is Gigi and Shannon. Gigi died last month and we had to pay nearly $400 for her euthanasia, cremation, and return of her ashes.

Crayola makes an air drying clay if anyone would like to donate to this cause. Michael's sells it and you and buy it in a tub for $7.00. Use a coupon, and you'll get it even cheaper.

Thank you.


  1. This is an awesome post (ok I cried too). Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  2. I'm sorry. Thank you for giving them your love energy. Thank you. Blessings in your life.


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