
Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Sing Along

Oh, look at this! The first page of the year!

I was looking at my 2013 album and I have to say I was quite embarrassed. There are 2 completed pages for that year.


So, I decided I better get crackin' on that year. After all, 2007 has 9 albums. Not 9 pages....9 ALBUMS. I must have had a lot of extra time in 2007.

I started right at the beginning of 2013, printed these two pictures...

and just went for it. I used a really old Daisy D's tag that I made for them when Wonder Years was released, some Heidi Swapp paper, Cosmo chip alphas and a really old Sass rubon. There is also an old Creative Imaginations epoxy heart down in the left hand corner. I added a little gesso and some other gel stuff (I asked Trent to just hand me something from the basket and that's what he handed me) and went to town.

Kat only had her guitar for a couple of weeks when she played a little tune for Blake. He really liked it and if you look close enough you can tell. His feet are blurry in the left hand picture from moving them and he's clapping in the right hand picture.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Fun page, that tag adds a lot of whimsy.

  2. What a great page filled with wonderful memories. We're going to hold you to the high standard of making THREE pages for 2014. C'mon! You know you can do it!!!!


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