
Monday, September 16, 2013

You're Rad Me & You

Yeah, you are.

This post is actually about a couple of layouts I have completed over the last couple weeks.

The first one is of Trent from many years ago. I was cleaning up my desk and didn't want to throw out the scraps of paper so I turned it into a layout instead.

I added some newer product to the older product and came up with this:

There is some older BasicGrey, newer Cosmo Cricket, older MME and really old Heidi Swapp. I used Gelatos on the background. I scribbled with a few colors, placed a circle/dotted template over the scribbles and then used a water brush to blend it in. Circles from the template still formed even though I was brushing over the template.

Some of it was a little too bright so I used my old standby, gesso, to dull it back down.

This is pretty much all new stuff. New Crate Paper. Some misting in the background with Heidi Swapp templates and Chalkboard mist.

I filled up a tiny envelope with sequins, sealed it and then added loose sequins around the page.

Tammy at Blue Moon Scrapbooking gave me a push to get something done right away with this new stuff. I like it when I get assignments! 

Hidden journaling is on a tag that pulls out from behind the doily.

That's all I have for right now. I'm having a difficult time functioning as I'm dealing with some emotional issues and a small health scare.

Some days it takes everything I have to just keep moving and making it through the day. My depression and anxiety dragons take over and it sometimes takes me a few days to squash them.

So, in other words, I really don't have anything fun or witty to talk about. I don't even have a new picture of my hot pink bra on my desk. You can look at my previous entry for that.

Take care and thanks for visiting and for your comments. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty layouts. How cute that you were given homework to do with your new purchases from Blue Moon. I got new purchases from BM too, but didn't get homework. That's probably a good thing as I sat down with good intentions of using my new stuff but used old stuff instead!!! Hope you're feeling spunky again soon!


Thank you so much for your comments! They make my day. :)