
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Head over heels, smitten

When I found this little gem in Kat's backpack, I knew I would be keeping it for use on a layout later. I had to hide it because when she first saw that I was keeping it, she was embarrassed.

Ok, so look quick and don't say anything to her. She'll be so embarrassed....

All paper is Lily Bee. There are a couple accents from other companies. It's mostly from my "pink box".

 The index card pulls out and has journaling.

The heart was cut on my Cricut using the Victorian Romance cart from Memory Miser.


  1. this is just precious. Ab-so-lutely precious.
    I did the same heart thing with Kevin Sorbo and I was grown. Everyone says "WHOOO is Kevin Sorbo" and I ask "haven't you everrrr seen Hercules?"

  2. So cute! I remember those days...when I dust off the cob webs!!!lol What a great little momento saved by a very smart mom!

  3. Hi Heather, that is so cute. What a great idea, I'm definitely checking my granddaughters back packs for treasures lol. Elisa

  4. Oh how SWEET!!!! I used to write a real boy's name with hearts in my diary and forgot all about it until I found it at my folk's house and cut open the strap. Laughed 'til I CRIED. She'll get a real kick out of it some day. xxD
    Wonder if she'll miss it?

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! this project is so darling. I love the colors and the fact that you worked some memorabilia into the project. She will love it when she is older!

  6. I LOVE THIS! I think she will love it when she's older and can look back. It's so cute!


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