
Friday, September 02, 2011

Superstar Dad

Having Erik home for the last seven weeks has been difficult BUT there have also been some nice things, too. The other day, I came out of the scrapbook room and found him helping the kids with their homework. Of course, this pictures looks posed because it is. Everyone wants to run to opposite corners when they see me with the camera. I asked them to please get back into position so I could take a picture of the three of them. It was originally a nice scene, but after being forced back into position I get this:

Erik is exaggerating his gestures and looks more like he's threatening them with something serious.

Trent has his arms crossed and is looking at me like "hurry the hell up" and Kat is trying hard not to laugh.

Erik was offered a job but it's in Phoenix. We still haven't decided what we're going to do. Thankfully, the company has given us a few days to think about the offer.

I thought I had a sign from God that Erik should NOT take the Phoenix job.

I'm always the first one up and out of bed. Upon entering the dining room, I smelled something foul. I spent a few minutes looking around for the smell. I found nothing. 20 minutes later, I found it. One of the dogs had pooped on the floor. I couldn't pick it up. Just looking at it from 10 feet away made me gag and cough. I don't know what it is about dog poop, but I just can't do it. And, this wasn't just a little bit of dog poop, it was the size of a newborn child.

As I screamed in terror for Erik (who was still asleep) for assistance, I knew that this was the sign from God that I was looking for. He will NOT be able to take the Phoenix job because he would be gone during the week and come back on weekends. If the dogs poop overnight while he's gone, I will have to somehow pick it up.

That was a pretty clear sign for me. Erik stays in town, gets a job in town, and continues to pick up piles of poop that are the same size as newborn babies. Erik didn't quite see the sign as clearly as I did.

Here's a layout I made yesterday. It's all Sass border strips.


  1. Great post, Heather. Loved your message from God; made me laugh!!! Still praying for a local job for Erik!!


  2. i have to tell you if you did not tell, i did not see it---and still don't, lol. they fooled me :)

    your layout is so pretty. i am not too good with layouts yet. lack of practice i guess ;p

  3. Your explanation of your photo is really cute, because we can all relate! I love how you came to see the "sign" it is really funny! But I'm in Phoenix! You can come and visit me! LOL! Everything will work out as is should! Thinking of you!

  4. he he Ilovrd your messagefrom God Heather and totally agree with you!

  5. I would never have thought otherwise about the family photo if you hadn't said anything! It looks like he's telling them something! :o) I also love your "SIGN" from God! I just had to giggle! :o) I'm sure he'll find local work soon...


  6. ROTFLMAO! The Lord works in mysterious ways! Great layout and the pic is a hoot. Love the way you described it. xxD

  7. I understand that sometimes God uses whatever is available to make his point....albeit dog poop or otherwise. Whatever, this was a funnnnnnny post and I laughed all the way thru it. I have a friend whose husband had been transferred from Phoenix to Tucson. They all moved and every single work day she drove back to Phoenix to work, and home to Tucson at the days' end. She said she didn't mind it at all and it lasted for 2 years. When I drive to Tucson, although it is just over 2 hours, I feel like I have driven so far I could be pulling up to Disneyland any moment.

  8. Heather,
    I hope and pray your husband gets a job offer closer to home..My hubby drives an hour and 10 minutes twice a day for work..there and back....We have gotten used to this as he has been doing it for the last 15 years.......I always wanted to stay in the town I grew up in because my family is still here..especially my mom..I hope he finds a job soon..especially with the Holidays coming...:)
    Your layout is very, very cute..Krista

  9. Loved that you got a sign from God. It is so hard when spouses are looking for jobs to deal with them leaving for days on end. DH is still looking for a position that would have him closer to home.


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