
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It's that time of year again where the kids start looking for Halloween costumes and I usually say "NO!" to their first 2-3 choices. There will be no headless people holding their own head, no zombies with a battery operated pumps to swoosh fake blood through plastic tubes and there will be no mini skirts and fish nets.

Yes, I had to say "NO!" to fishnets this year.

Katrina wants this costume:

I know I have some crooked lines when it comes to what I'll let her do. I'll let her dye her hair (with semi permanent), maybe let her wear a little light blue eyeshadow sometimes and even let her ride her bike in high heels, but I don't like this fishnet stuff.

She wants to be a cheerleader. She wants, what she refers to now, as the "fishy cheerleader costume". I have yet to find a cheerleader costume that we both like that is in her size. The first one she picked out was a USA cheerleader costume but it only came in toddler sizes.

I'm not sure what Trent wants to be. He keeps pointing at zombies. I wish Katrina wanted to be a zombie. It would be so much easier.


  1. Alexa has fishnet knee socks with her costume (it's one of her hip hop dance costumes). I don't think I'd let her wear fishnet stockings though.

  2. Hon, that IS a zombie costume! It's a zombie cheerleader. LOL AWWW, come on, Mom! xxD

  3. Donna, I already had the thought that maybe I could have her wear a red shirt underneath. I'm still thinking about it, though. Hmpf! ;)

  4. I have seen worse, but I know what you mean by the costumes, so not like when we were kids! Good Luck!

  5. I agree with you, Heather. Last year, I let Carmen wear a costume that was a little too punky for my tastes but she really liked it and it reminded her of Abby on NCIS! Ha!


  6. They grow up so fast! I know it's hard but enjoy the trials and tribulations of their current interests... even though it gives you grey hair! lol


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