
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Grumble, grumble

I'm just going to get it all out in one post. 2011 has really stunk so far. It started with the sinus surgery and then my back and hips. I have always had issues with my hips but for some reason, this time it's really bad. Xrays determined that I have sciatica and arthrits. *sigh* It's very, very difficult dealing with chronic pain. It's depressing. It drains me of all my energy. Add in the stress of the Girl Scout cookies and the booths. I cannot keep up with household chores (dinner?? I'm supposed to cook dinner?)and I've had to cut my hours down at work to one 4 hour shift a week. Last Sunday, I couldn't even do that. After two hours I had to go home. My legs were screaming at me.

I've had to cancel my card classes. I can't sit in a chair long enough to design cards and all I can think about is the pain.

Erik has been working 12 hour days. I never see him anymore.

I found out last week that I have a sinus infection 6 weeks after my sinus surgery...

and yesterday, my cat died.

I feel absolutely worthless.

So, there you go. I got it all out and I feel a bit better. So, if I seem a bit cranky, don't take it personally. ;)

I'm working towards a better future, though. I've been going to phsyical therapy twice a week and I've been forcing myself to do a little bit of creating in the evening after the pain killers kick in but before I get too sleepy.

See, my life is not as perfect looking as sometimes the blog displays. If you're having a bad day, tell me about it.

Oh, and here are some layouts that took me several days to complete....

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  1. Girl, you got it coming and going. I got a SI belt from the chiropractor that is a wide band that you wrap tightly below your hip bones and velcro around you (BELOW the hip bones is essential) that helps hold your SI joint in the proper place. It was a godsend. Look into one of those!

    I'm sorry about all the other stuff too. It is no fun to be in constant pain and can really get you down.

    The sinuses are just being witches--medicate them now and look into a nettie pot thing (Neilmed for sinuses or some other brand of sinus wash). People say good things about them. I'm on the fence about them myself but what the heck, give it a try.

    I do Celebrex for aches and pains. I have very mild arthritis too and can't take Ibprofen as it makes me depressed--as if pain didn't make me that way already. Ask you doc. I find the side effects not bad and I'm a drug wuss.

    Sorry about your kitty too. That's a very sad thing to lose a member of your family.

  2. Oh my what a terrible time you've had - you poor girl! I know it's easier said then done, but try and keep that beautiful smile on your face. It really does help to make things better.

  3. Sorry! I feel for you, we have all had bad times, stay strong and keep moving forward! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. AWWW, hon! I had no idea! Wow! I feel for you. Hang in there, Sweetie, we're all pulling for you! So sorry for all of your pain and your kitty! We love you, Heather! Your work is still beautiful. xxD

  5. Heather, I'm sorry to hear how tough it's been! I would be down too. Here's my grumble: I went to the physical therapist yesterday to get assessed for my right side hip and leg pain. He basically told me I'm fat and lazy. In a much nicer way of course, but his questions let me to the fact that I have been sedentary and unmotivated for the past 18 months and that is why I'm having problems. Anyway not as much as you are going through but there it is. I'm sorry about your cat. How sad. ((HUGS))

  6. I know exactly how you feel Heather. I had that kind of year last year! Keep calm and carry on--it will get better. And you know what, not everything is going bad because your layouts are AWESOME!!!!

  7. Saying a prayer for you Heather!!


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