
Friday, December 03, 2010

Let us all hope Mrs. Duffy has a good baby

Kat's student teacher's last day is today. She is also very pregnant and due very soon. The teacher and the kids planned a surprise baby shower/going away party for her. We made her a card last night. I handed the finished card to Kat to sign and this is what she wrote:

She also always writes her name twice. Once in cursive and once in printing. It's a habit she started a couple months ago.

Here's the front of the card. October Afternoon and the Special Delivery Cricut cart.
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  1. Adorable card, both inside and out! (That Kat cracks me right up! Glad you share!) xxD

  2. Heather,
    That's what scrapbooking is all about, isn't it :-)

    PS: Very cute card!

  3. Adorable, Capital A on that too. Your Kat cracks me up too.


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