
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Hello, Pretty Baby

I have wanted a stand mixer for at least 20 years. Kohl's was having a dealio for associates that I just couldn't pass up. It ended up being about 75% off the normal price.

Of course, there is Kat on the counter. It's her favorite place to be. She's always supervising, making sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I think she also hopes chocolate chips or something else flies out of the bowl so she can be the first to eat it.

Trent said that the mixer was "making my life easier". Kat said, "MOM! You have to find a new place to work where you don't spend so much money!"

She may have a point, but in the meantime, I'm making cookies, bread and we want the attachment to grind meat to make sausages and the attachment to make pasta. I can't wait!
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  1. Congrats! Don't we all like those special buys and it is RED!!
    Cute story and love this pic too!

  2. Fantastic mixer! We love ours and have for about 8 years now. I got mine when I worked at Best Buy for a real steal too. We have the grinder attachment and my hubby thinks its the best ever. Sometimes I have to remind him that we can't just keep buying meat for him to grind, we have to eat it too.

  3. Love your Kitchenaid in RED, no less! Couldn't live without mine Fab score! But isn't working retail a bite at Christmas? Don't regret being retired ne bit (although I DO miss the discount)! So funny, I read Melissa's comment. My hubby is all gaagaa over the meat grinder attachment too. MEN! xxD

  4. I absolutely love my Kitchenaid! It makes those cookies so easy to do! Jordan and I are always cooking up something with it. I'm sure you and Kat will be too!


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