
Friday, October 08, 2010

The costumes are in!

We had a scare with Trent's. We didn't think it would get here on time because it was caught up in that train derailment in Phoenix. When I called UPS, they said it could take a week at least to get it all straightened out.

So, I called and they immediately overnighted a replacement costume. I think that is AWESOME customer service!! We ended up with two costumes because UPS delayed delivery only by a day. I couldn't believe it!! Two great customer service stories.

We've had Kat's costume for awhile. She has wanted to be this half devil-half angel for a long time. She can't wear the costume in the house because Sookie gets all crazy for the feathers on the bottom of the angel side. Katrina wanted to add the "Devil Stick" (she can't seem to remember the word "pitchfork"). I guess that means she's more devil than angel, which in my opinion is pretty accurate.

I've already heard several times in the last week how much she "loves her devil stick". I have also had to take it away from her many times as she loves to poke her brother with it.
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  1. cute costumes! My boys' costumes were also caught up in that train thing. They are supposed to be here tomorrow. Love her "devil stick" :-)

  2. Very cute costumes. I love that "devil stick"....

  3. Great costumes! I'm sure they're going to have a blast!


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