
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ask Liberty

So, Liberty, do you have responsibilities around the house?

Huh? Who me?

Yes, what do you do to help your family?

Well, when I'm not chasing the cat or eating garbage, I like to pre-rinse the dishes before running them through the dishwasher. I feel like I'm helping the earth by removing any food particles that would take extra water during the wash cycle to remove.

I'm a green dog.
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  1. Well! Who needs to hire a Housekeeping Service when you have such an efficient helper!?! We have two helpers and they love nothing more than helping the kids with their veggies (fed under the table while mom's "not looking")... thanks for the chuckle today! And, BTW, Liberty is a Beautiful fur-baby!

  2. This is tooooooo funny. Heidi tries that as well.

  3. What a RIOT!!!!!! I have a friend whose dog goes around cleaning up the hair balls the cat coughs up...EEEWWWWWW!!!!! (That would be helpful though, if it didn't want to make me puke!) xxD


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