
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We're not even in the water yet

and she's already upset. BUT, I have good news!!! The very last thing she did in lessons today was tread water for 6 seconds in 6 feet. She is so proud of herself. I wish I had gotten a picture of that.

Today she said:

"I'm lucky 5 times today because I can read, I can swim in 6 feet, I have pretty earrings, I can jump rope and I got my hair cut".

If you've ever seen Katrina's hair IRL, you know what a disaster it is. She FINALLY let me get it cut today. I would say that I was more of the lucky one.
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  1. my son had conqured his fear over putting his head under. He even touch the small platfrom they have the water skippers stand on. I pray she gets over her fear and keeps trying. She can do it.

  2. that's awesome she is overcoming the fear! And I love her 5 reasons! lol

    Kim @
    party inspiration


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