
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kat's tail

This is what happens when I'm not paying attention. Kat helps herself to my good cardstock, chops it up into 4-6 inch strips, staples it together and makes a tail.

She wore this for several days. It was long enough to drag on the floor.
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  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I love that kid!!!!!!!

    xo Amy

  2. that is just so cute,, thanks for sharing.
    Carol N<><

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    She is a RIOT! Never a dull moment!
    Let her know that the tail would look AWESOME with her pink fluffy skirt and purple socks! (-:

  4. Good tail,Kat! Some great kid ou have!So creative like her mom! I once said at a fancy restaurant very loudly that "I needed my mom to Stuff MY Tail when we got home." I was a ballet dancer and needed my cat costume! Kat did it on her own!!! Mimi

  5. LOl...she's pretty creative isn't she!?!

  6. HILARIOUS! (But perhaps not maybe to you.) xxD


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