
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You can tell how high the dog can jump

by looking at where the oranges are. Zoe LOVES oranges. Well, at least I think she does. She really likes balls. I'm not sure if she jumps for oranges because they're balls to her or if she likes the taste of them.

Once she gets an orange, she throws it around for awhile, chases it and runs around the yard with it. After she's done with it, she actually peels it (remember, this is the same dog than can open my child-proof cabinet door to get to the garbage) and eats the fruit. She leaves the peels out in the yard to rot.

I spent 30 minutes outside in the cold waiting for her to jump for oranges to get this picture. She kept dropping her ball on my feet and sticking her nose in my lens. I ignored her. It was difficult to do but after several minutes, she finally decided to entertain herself by getting a ball...I mean orange.
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  1. She's a beautiful dog! Great picture!

  2. Hilarious. And what a beautiful girl!

  3. Too funny! Love the story! xxD

  4. Great photo, Heather! :) Love the story behind it too.

  5. Heather, I chuckled.... What a great photo and story. My dog Heidi loved to jump up and grab the plums on my plum tree and then she would dash off to dine. In the process she would also knock off 3 or 4 more plums and then I could dine too. Not good when they weren't ripe but she didn't care. A game is a game.
    Love the photo...thanks for sharing.

  6. omg she is big...goodness..


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