
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Halloween Layouts plus more

At Peek, the theme was Halloween. I had Daisy D's, one of my favorites.

Katrina from last year. What a color combo, huh? Orange, pink, blue...
Some of you may know that Trent refused to wear his skeleton costume last year. Instead, he wore the alien costume he wore the year before. *sigh*

BTW, there's a layout about Trent's Skeleton costume in the October Creating Keepsakes. My first time published there. woohoo! 24.

Trent's costume for this year is ultra spooky. We bought it off the internet and weeks later, he still likes it. Thank goodness. I don't want to do 3 years of spooky alien layouts.

See those screw eyelet things? I've been hording those for years. I love them. Making Memories made them and when eyelets starting going out of style, I bought several packages of them.

Things are changing around at Peek. We're not going to be doing just bi-monthly uploads. We're going to be doing them daily. I've had 2 so far this month. Here they are:

Trent playing kickball in his Tiger uniform. Awwww.....
I like that picture. I felt pretty darn lucky to get it. After he kicked that ball, he ran to first base, on to second base passing one of his friends standing on base, then on past third base where his sister was standing and then he ran onto fourth making a home run.

More Daisy D's. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore Daisy D's? My current HOT list consists of Sweetwater, Technique Tuesday and Daisy D's.
Anyway, I LOVE this silver paper they came out with to go with the Salt Water Taffy line. It has a cool little sheen to it.
This is Katrina's costume. She wants to be an angel. Funny, huh? oh, and I know that the title is "Princess" and not "Angel". There was no "Angel" sticker and I felt "Princess" worked pretty darn well anyway.
The frame is accented with a ton of gems and pearls, etc and is much more gaudy when the light is shining on it at the perfect angle.
Thanks for looking and reading and all that stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    GORGEOUS Creations as always girl! Love all your great descriptions to them all too! xoxo


Thank you so much for your comments! They make my day. :)