
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello 5

Here's my take on the "Ali" layout. I didn't realize until I was done that I used the same exact background as she did. Duh. Instead of cards, I used pieces of clothing tags that I saved throughout the year. I can't throw anything away.

Most of the little extra embellies are 7gypsies. I just love their new stuff.


  1. NEAT!! You got it fixed and thanks for adding me to your blog list!! This is a great LO!

  2. Heather, I think this layout is the coolest- love all those pictures. And how you used tags and 7gypsies-type things. It's awesome.

    love how the blog looks!

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Just noticed your banner! I LOVE IT! Teach me how to do that!

  4. I totally took Ali's layout, too, but this is just too awesome how you made it your own!!! I love the bigger squares mixed with the smaller ones. Too cool!

  5. me again...I'm dying to know how to put a picture in your banner...Can you PLEEEEEEEASE tell me??? I've searched on blogspot, but nothing came up - drat.


Thank you so much for your comments! They make my day. :)