
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Heart hurts

Trent didn't go to school yesterday because I was afraid he was sick. Both kids had a fever on Sunday and I felt it better he just stay home and rest today.

He never wants to go to school when you ask him.

"How do you feel today, Trent?"


Yeah, he was fine. He had come bounding down the steps very early this morning, "GOOD MORNING!" he screamed.

I was still sleeping.

10 minutes later and I was making breakfast for both kids and explaining, as I do every day, why we were going to watch the news before cartoons.

Later I was pleasantly surprised when he went upstairs to get dressed after the first time I asked him to. Baby Kat followed him upstairs and when I went upstairs to see why it was taking him so long, I found him in her room. He was helping her pick out clothes. He had chosen a pair of jeans and together they both picked out a spooky Halloween shirt. It really wasn't spooky, it was just Halloween. But, when you're 5 and/or 2, I guess everything from Halloween is spooky.

He put his socks on. He put his shoes on. I was amazed. I usually have to remind him 5-6 times to put on each sock. Somehow, he finds himself distracted in between socks. It could be a piece of dust on the floor that attracts his attention from this simple duty. I found both kids on the steps, Trent with his shoes and socks on, but with another sock in his hand. What was he doing now? Oh my gosh! He was helping Baby Kat put her sock on. Her little painted toes were sticking up towards his hand that held the sock.

"Nie help me!" She was so excited. Not as much as I was.

"Thank you, Trent!", I said. "You are such a great big brother for helping your sister get dressed."

There are days like this that I almost get teary eyed. He can be so helpful, kind, and thoughtful to his sister. He'll get dressed, he'll make his bed, he'll pick up his toys, he'll flush the toilet. He'll do all these things the first time I ask him. I sometimes think I really must be doing something right.

I didn't even have to tell him to go stand by the door as I set the alarm. He did it without me even having to remind him. He even had his homework in his hands.

As we were pulling out of the driveway, I ask Trent how he was feeling.

"Not good." Was all he could say. He was suddenly a little grumpy.

"Well, why?" I asked. "Are you sick? Does your tummy hurt? Does something else hurt?"

"Yes. My heart hurts." He said matter of factly.

"Your heart hurts? Why does that hurt?"

"It happens." He paused and then said, "I don't like Baby Kat."

Ok, well we're back to normal.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Trenton wanted me to take his picture today. He insisted on holding Baby Kat's pink doll blanket while I took his photo.

I asked him to put it down for just a few pictures. He said, "But Mommy, I wanna be a princess!"

Here's the result

A couple hours later and after I had downloaded the pictures, I asked him about this picture. I asked, "What are you doing here Trent?"

"Mommy, I wanted to be a princess!"

I don't think I'll do a LO on this. Several years from now, he'd probably want to kill me.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

TV Terrorits

For Christmas, I bought my Father a TV B Gone. Due to his odd sense of humor, I knew it would be something he would abuse, I mean, enjoy.

My Uncle (his brother) was in town visiting just for the day. My Mother was having lunch to celebrate his visit. Once we arrived, we heard all about their adventures at Best Buy with his new toy. Neither my Father or Uncle could keep from giggling as they explained the adventures they had there:

People standing in front of large screen televisions, their eyes kind of glazed over, when all of a sudden the TV would go out. They'd look around like, "HEY! Who did that?" but then after a few seconds, they'd just move onto the next TV. As soon as they were zombies again, the TV would turn off once more.

We were planning on going to Best Buy after lunch. They wanted to go again. The kids were to stay with Grandma. This was serious business.

As soon as we entered Best Buy, my Father turned off the GIGANTIC television set that's at the front door. There were probably 8 people standing around it. All of them dispersed as soon as it turned off.

We turned off some more TV's but we were feeling a little nervous about the whole thing as my Dad and Uncle had just been there a couple hours before.

So, we left. Circuit City was just up the road. We stopped there. I became bored with my father's antics and decided to take the matter in my own hands. He handed over the remote.

My Father and Uncle were talking to an older couple who were looking at a TV. My father was explaining something about it when I pressed the button. The TV went off. As I was walking away, the older lady grabbed the remote control and tried to turn it back on. I walked around the corner, turned off some TV's, people groaned. The staff was running around trying to figure out what was going on. I walked past an employee with a remote in one hand and the other hand held the telephone up to his ear. He was pointing the remote to the TV and telling someone on the phone, "I don't understand what's going on..."

Soon, I became bored and decided to get a little riskier.

Oh, there's my Father and Uncle again, still with that older couple, and this time with a salesperson. They're looking at a different TV. I walk over and just as the salesperson is explaining something about the TV, I turn it off.

He turns it on.

I turn it off.

He turns it on.

I turn it off.

My father makes a comment about how the TV doesn't work very well.

The salesperson starts talking about the TV next to the one that won't stay on.

"This one has...." He says.

The TV goes off.

He turns it on.

I turn it off.

The couple decide they don't want either one of those TV's (since they won't stay on) and they go back to the first one they were looking at when they met my Father and Uncle. The salesmen goes with them and starts selling them on that TV.

I turn it off.

He turns it on.

I turn it off.

He turns it on. He asks, looking at my Father and Uncle, "Why is it that everytime you walk by a TV, it turns off?"

I ask, "You guys about ready to go?"

We left.

On the way home, we stopped at Sears and turned off all their TV's, too.

Yeah, it was good day.

Next week is Superbowl Sunday. We're talking about going to a sports bar and testing it out there.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Trent Talk

Stuff Trent has said from the last few days:

We were in the drive-thru getting sandwiches from a local shop on Wednesday. I was getting the kids a hot dog kid's meal. They didn't have milk, so I decided they could have some Sprite. It's not very often at all my kids get soda. It was a happy surprise for both of them. A few minutes after I handed them their drinks, Trent said,

"Look at me, Mommy! Soda helps me close my eyes!"

I turned around to look at him to see what the heck he was talking about.

He took a drink from the straw. He clinched his eyes closed. Obviously it was from the burn of the bubbles.

"Oh, yeah Trent. Look at that. How helpful."

Trent likes to talk about when he'll be older. He always says,

"Baby Kat's going to grow into a lady. I'm going to be a boy."

Today as we were getting ready for a walk, the kids were getting dressed in their coats and hats. Baby Kat was bundled in her pink winter coat with the fuzzy white hood. Trent said,

"Oh. Baby Kat a Princess, Mommy, and I'm handsome."

"Yes, that's right!"

We walked up the street first to get our mail. On the way up, a dead bird was on the side of the road. Erik pointed it out and we changed our route a bit to avoid it.

As we were walking back, Trent said,

"There's that dead bird."

"Yeah. It didn't move, huh? Do you know what the word 'dead' means?" I asked.

"Yeah, it happens." That was his response.

The phrase, "It happens" is a favorite of his. So much so, that Baby Kat has picked up on it. If you ask her a question she doesn't really have the answer to, or even wants to answer, her response is, "It happens."

I don't know where Trent picked it up from.

It was last week when out of the blue, Trent said to us,

"I want to get that farm, sit in it like a baby!"

Erik and I were shocked. He was talking about a play farm my parents had bought him...3 YEARS AGO! It was a fabric barn that folded and unfolded. He would sit in the middle of it and "ask" me (in his 2 year old way) to connect the sides. He loved sitting in the middle of it. It was a game we played everynight. I kept the barn because it was so cute, but he hasn't played with it for years.

It was just weird that he would remember something from when he was that young. It was shocking, actually.

It was a couple weeks ago when Sherry tagged me. Here are my answers. Sorry I'm so late in doing this.

4 jobs you have had in your life

1) Taco Bell
2) Payroll for many different places
3) Beer and wine bartender
4) Stay at home mom (my favorite)

4Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1) Moulin Rouge
2) Fargo
3) Very Bad Things
4) almost any Disney movie

4 Places You Have Lived

1) Ottawa, IL
2) Tucson, AZ

4tv Shows You Love To Watch

1) Simpsons
2) Flip this House
3) Survivor
4) News

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation

1) Disneyland
2) San Diego
3) Arizona (when I lived in IL)
4) Illinois (now that I live in AZ)

4 Websites You Visit Daily

1) Down Memory Lane ( )
2) A Peek into Yesterday ( )
3) 3 Scrappy Boys (
4) My online banking. ;)

4 Of Your Favorite Foods

1) Steak
2) Pizza
3) Cake
4) Ice Cream

Yeah, these are things that I don't eat. :(

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

1) In a quiet neighborhood with no stupid barking dogs.
2) No where else.

4 Bloggers You Are Tagging

I'm not tagging anyone. These questions are now old and all the bloggers I know already have answered them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What are you doing???

I asked this question to Trent yesterday as he was standing next to my scrapbook table.

"I'm trying to scrapbook. Just like you. I need some ribbons and some buttons right now!"

It made me giggle. This is what he produced:

I left my new velvet Making Memories letters out. oops. I don't know if you can see it, but he handwrote some letters to the right of the "r". He told me it says, "I love you." That's what he was thinking when he saw that picture of himself holding Baby Kat. Awwww...

This morning, Baby Kat wanted her turn. She did this. I like the star on her head, cool idea Ms. Baby Kat. It looks like a crown. She did all the inking and the stamping by herself, too. I don't know if you can tell, but she inked the left side and part of the top of the photo.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Upload Day

Small uploads this time. I had the month off at Down Memory Lane Co., but I still did a Material challenge. I love those things!! Here's my take with the products:

Don't forget to check out all the others. Everyone did such a great job:

Down Memory Lane Inspiration Alley

It was also upload day at A Peek Into Yesterday.

Oh, it was a fun one this time. We swapped baby photos. I had Jocelyn's baby photos. This is my LO with her pics:

Leanne had my pictures:

Didn't she do such an ultra fabulous job??? I'm so excited to see these. They're gorgeous Leanne, thank you so much.

You can check out the rest of them here:

A Peek Into Yesterday Photo Swap.

Sherry...I know you tagged me...I'll get to it I promise!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Golf Day

We spent a couple hours at Funtasticks this morning. Trent was thrilled to play a little miniature golf. As soon as he got the ball in the hole, he was ready to move on to the next one. Baby Kat became bored after about the third hole. At one point, she was trying to climb over the fence to get a closer view to the go-carts. I admit that after about 20 minutes I was a little bored, too , and was feeling ready to go, but it was fun to see Trent enjoy himself so much.

Neither of the kids quite got the idea that they had to get off the green before the next person could take a turn. We were chasing them off like rabbits. Trent had to keep a very close eye on the ball at all times and was even heard saying, "Get in that hole!"

Everyone was tired afterwards. Baby Kat refused to walk and I had to carry her out. Yeah, she looks all cute and happy in these pictures, but believe me, she's a little stinker.

After naps, we went out to dinner. I wanted to make sure it was an early dinner so we left around 4:00. It's really not much fun dining with small children, so the less people there to offend the better.

In addition to all the great gifts I received, Erik also bought me a subscription to the Oprah magazine. What he doesn't realize is that I've never read an article. I just simply love the magazine for it's fantastic ad/design inspiration. heehee. Oprah, Pottery Barn and Urban Outfitters are some of my favorite sources for design inspiration.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. I've been so busy.

Ashley had her 19th birthday last week. I can't believe I have a 19 year old!

<<<<---------That's Ashley!!

My birthday is tomorrow. We have a big day of miniature golf and pizza planned. Trent has never miniature golfed and I bet he'll love it!

My mother bought me the coolest kitchen tool. I needed a lemon zester and she bought me a Microplane. I absolutely love it. It works so perfectly.

Erik is making me a decaf latte right now.

Katrina just asked me for jelly in a baggie. **sigh** Maybe if she had eaten dinner, she wouldn't be so hungry.

See, this is why I haven't blogged anything in life is too hectic and boring lately.

The 15th is upload day. See you again, then.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Upload Day @ 3SB

New layouts for Three Scrappy Boys.

I'm really getting into paint and glaze. It almost seems like I'm using paint on every layout nowadays.

Thanks for looking. :D

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello 5

Here's my take on the "Ali" layout. I didn't realize until I was done that I used the same exact background as she did. Duh. Instead of cards, I used pieces of clothing tags that I saved throughout the year. I can't throw anything away.

Most of the little extra embellies are 7gypsies. I just love their new stuff.