
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Beautiful morning & School for Trent

It was so nice yesterday morning. I took the kids for a bike ride. We have been missing our walks over the last couple days, due to various reasons, and I really needed to get moving again. I didn't feel like a boring walk again and when Katrina pointed to the bikes, I said "Why Not?" It took me 20 minutes to pump up the tires, but soon after that we were on our way. I brought my camera with me just in case. We rode up the street to the horse boarding place, but no horses were out.

I think the ride may have been a little too long for the kids and I had to threaten Trent a couple of times, "Do you wanna walk?". LOL. After that, I would hear some whining from Katrina and then Trent saying, "wanna walk?"

After I downloaded these pictures, I realized I hardly had any without Trent's finger near his nose. **sigh**

One of these days, I'll figure out how to add pictures and have the text wrap so nicely around them.

Little Dude Starts School

My little man is going to start pre-school on Monday. He's going twice a week for 4-6 hours. He missed kindergarten this year by just a couple of months. I know he is ready for school. He's so bored that he's been getting in so much "trouble" lately. It seems like he's always in time-out for aggravating his sister to the point of tears.

His little mind needs to be filled with information that I can't seem to provide him. He's not interested in tracing letters with me or solving simple math equations. I also want him to learn some social skills. This need was proved to me yesterday during his introduction to the class:

When we took a tour of his classroom, all the kids were sitting at the table waiting for lunch. Trent, Kat and I just kind of walked around, looking at the various toys and "stuff". When we stopped for a moment, the assistant teacher introduced Trent to the class.

"Class", she said, "This is Trent. He will be starting with us next week".

As the kids turned and said, "Hi Trent!", Trent dropped to the floor on all fours and scurried past me to hide underneath a table.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't realize he was so shy.

He must of realized that what he did was pretty goofy, because he immediately popped up, turned to the kids at the table, raised his hand in a wave and said, "Hi".

Of course, while this is happening, Baby Kat is saying, "hiiiiiiii" over and over and waving.

My poor little man. I felt so bad for him.

As we were leaving the center, he said that he didn't like that place and didn't want to go back.

We talked about it later and he said that he was still feeling embarrassed by his actions. I told him that no one would remember what happened and he's going to have so much fun and make so many new friends.

I think he feels a little better now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Heather, poor Trent. He seems so mature in that he feels embarrassed about his actions. I know he'll recover just fine. And Kat just sounds too cute :)


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