The turkey (Mr. T) was in their backyard with 4 chicken friends and the dog. Yeah, that's right...a dog. I was amazed that the dog left the chickens and the turkey alone.
Anyway, Mr. T is even MORE GORGEOUS in person. I had no idea that a turkey's head will change colors. In the first picture, see how his the top of his head is all blue and his waddle is a little creamy reddish color? I know, it's a bit out of focus but you can get the idea.
After we had been there for a few minutes, his waddle became bright red, his head even a brighter blue with red dots. He pranced around for us and all us of oooo'd and ahhh'd. He is just beautiful!!
Then, they were so nice to lead the kids into the chicken coop and let them find eggs. We came home with fresh eggs.
It was a great evening for us. Thank you!!