I'm just going to get it all out in one post. 2011 has really stunk so far. It started with the sinus surgery and then my back and hips. I have always had issues with my hips but for some reason, this time it's really bad. Xrays determined that I have sciatica and arthrits. *sigh* It's very, very difficult dealing with chronic pain. It's depressing. It drains me of all my energy. Add in the stress of the Girl Scout cookies and the booths. I cannot keep up with household chores (dinner?? I'm supposed to cook dinner?)and I've had to cut my hours down at work to one 4 hour shift a week. Last Sunday, I couldn't even do that. After two hours I had to go home. My legs were screaming at me.
I've had to cancel my card classes. I can't sit in a chair long enough to design cards and all I can think about is the pain.
Erik has been working 12 hour days. I never see him anymore.
I found out last week that I have a sinus infection 6 weeks after my sinus surgery...
and yesterday, my cat died.
I feel absolutely worthless.
So, there you go. I got it all out and I feel a bit better. So, if I seem a bit cranky, don't take it personally. ;)
I'm working towards a better future, though. I've been going to phsyical therapy twice a week and I've been forcing myself to do a little bit of creating in the evening after the pain killers kick in but before I get too sleepy.
See, my life is not as perfect looking as sometimes the blog displays. If you're having a bad day, tell me about it.
Oh, and here are some layouts that took me several days to complete....