
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Being in the right place at the right time

So after I walked Harry, I brought him back to discover that after bottle feeding and helping kittens poop, Kat was assisting the vet.

That's her hand right there in the front. She was holding a tube of what they told her was "sleepy mist".

I guess the little gal had either been hit by a car or was in a bad fight. She was not in good shape. Two techs were holding the dog down, Dr. Jen was working on the dog and Kat was in charge of keeping the "sleepy mist" right at the dog's nose.

Harry, a sweet dog suffering from severe Valley Fever.
Trent and I had just dropped off Harry and we needed to leave to help set up the Help Desk, a new program at intake.

I told Kat that when she was done to meet us at intake.

I found out later from Kat that the dog actually died right there on the table while they were working on her. Kat also explained to me that the vet had told her the dog was still moving after death because of her reflexes.

I asked Kat if she was upset about that and she said, "Well, I feel bad for the dog but the vet was trying to help her. Now she's not in pain so it's OK."

I was shocked. Absolutely shocked that she was as calm and cool as she was.

She then proceeded to tell me that Dr. Jen had patted the little pup after she had died and Kat noticed that dust flew out of her fur when she did that.

I'll repeat what I said above:

I was shocked. Absolutely shocked that she was as calm and cool as she was.

Later I asked the shelter manager about what happened (as he was in the room, too) and he said that everyone was kind of holding their breath to see how Kat would react with the dog dying and even they were surprised with her reaction.

Wow! I knew she wanted to be a vet when she grew up but I can't help but be impressed that at the age of 10, she is OK with what she had just witnessed and that she felt good about trying to help this dog.

She's going to be a great vet.

As an after thought, Kat even told me that wiping the kittens' behinds to make them poop and pee really wasn't all that bad, either.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

The price of water bottles

I've been pricing water bottles lately because mine keep disappearing.

First, the selection of water bottles is overwhelming. You have glass ones, plastic ones with straws, plastic with snap off lids, plastic with twist on lids, they come with hooks to hang on our belt, they come with a plastic insert to flavor your water with lemons or strawberries. Some are dishwasher safe, some are not. Some can't go in the freezer. Some don't even have an opening large enough to add ice.

The list goes on and on.

But that's not the worst part. Why the heck would I spend $15.00 on a stupid plastic water bottle that holds 12 ounces just so I can hook it onto my belt? I haven't seen a water bottle under $10 for years.

And 12 ounces is nothing. By the time I walked back to the bedroom to watch TV with my water bottle, it would be empty and I'd have to get up and go refill it again and again.

I gave up and just started carrying around a cup of water and hanging on to it in the car when I drove around corners.

Having an open glass of water in this house isn't a swell idea, either. If the cat isn't sneaking drinks of my ice water, then the dogs are knocking them over.

Running with a cup of water wasn't working so I went back to my old bicycle water bottles. I spend 10 minutes every time trying each lid to see if it fits. Why don't they just make the same freakin' size lid?

An open cup of water at the animal shelter wasn't going to work, either. I need a lid because when those hoses start spraying, poop and pee can float around in the air and land in my water. I know it happens and don't try to tell me it doesn't.

I needed something BIG, something with a lid and something I could thrown in the dishwasher.

I was at the gas station and found this baby:

It's huge! It's like 7,000 ounces and it lasts me all day long. Kat is holding it so you can see how big that sucker is. It's bigger than her head and upper body. And the best was $6.99 and it came with a free fill of Diet Dr. Pepper.

I took it to pre-school today and all the kids made fun of me. But, because I'm an adult, I just let it roll off my back. I just sipped on my Diet Dr. Pepper and watched while they waited in line at the drinking faucet.

Yeah, my score of the day. Go me!

Just try drinking out of this, stupid cat!

Monday, May 05, 2014

My Creative Scrapbook

I'm am thrilled and honored to have been asked to guest design for My Creative Scrapbook. Thank you, Alicia, for suggesting me! and Thank You Pam for choosing me!

I haven't designed for years and it's so refreshing to get back into it again.

All of the kits are beautiful! Check them out here: My Creative Scrapbook

I had the Creative Kit this month.


 And this is what I came up with:

Thanks for looking! Have a great day!