
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rain Gutter Regatta

This is what we did today. The Boy Scouts held their annual Rain Gutter Regata. Trent had a great time! I took a ton of pictures and here are just a few.

Recognize the skull and canon balls? Hambly helped Trent decorate his sail. ;)
Why is Katrina a little sad? Her boat sunk. :(

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


It was discovered today that Katrina really likes mud. *sigh* I was in my scraproom making cards when I kept hearing squeals of laughter and thumps against the window in the kitchen. When I walked out, I saw mud all over one of my kitchen windows and then I saw Katrina nearly ankle deep in mud. She turned the hose on and let one section of our dirt backyard fill up. I usually hear the water running but I didn't this time.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

4 today

Katrina is 4 today. Her birthday party theme was High School Musical. What else would it have been?
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Thursday, November 08, 2007

The new look

This is the look I get when I ask if I can take her picture. Every Thursday morning, Katrina and I volunteer in Trent's classroom. We brought cupcakes in to celebrate her birthday that is coming up on Sunday. Trent's teacher is so nice and includes her in lots of activities in the class. She made her a birthday crown. I wanted to take her picture and this is what I get.

Also, note the HSM shirt. The only time she takes it off is when I wash it and then she puts it back on as it comes out of the dryer.
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Friday, November 02, 2007

An update

My husband (of all people) informed me today that I had not updated my blog in awhile.
Ok, so it's been nearly a month. I have no idea how that happened!!

Here are some new layouts:

Autumn Observations. It's Daisy D's. What else would it be? ;)

I just love the new Sassafrass Lass line. It mixes so well with Daisy D's, too. ;) This was an assignment at Peek to use paint, ink & stamps.

Here's a couple I made for the new LSS I'm going to be working and teaching at. I can't believe I'm going to be teaching!! I'm so EXCITED!!

I am so thrilled and excited to have this fantastic store right down the street from me. If you're in Tucson (or anywhere in Arizona) and reading this, PLEASE let me know!! The trip to Pages In Progress will be so worth it. I promise!! It's going to be a fantastic store and I'm so lucky to be a part of it! They are carrying EVERYTHING and then some. I can't even tell you in words how big this store is. I'll try to get some pictures and post them...