
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In Bloom

Our desert is in bloom. It's so pretty. All these pictures are from our front and backyard.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bam Pop is coming and uploads from the 15th

I think this is the first time in history that I have remembered to note on my blog of a celebrity speaker at Peek.

Here's the link. Don't ask me to convert time for you. I can't do it. I'm clueless. Sorry. It's tomorrow, Friday! Don't miss it!!!!

The theme for Peek's assignments were Re-do's.

Yes, this is on a real record. It's an old Shaun Cassidy record. I had this same one when I was about 9. I had the BIGGEST crush on him. My father teased me about wanting the record. It disappeared one day.

I figured if I was going to redo a layout, I might as well try something experimental. I had fun with it and I'm pretty sure I scared Pat even though she won't admit it.

Oh, and I want to add this one, too. I did it just for fun. No assignment or anything. I wanted to use some vintage items I found at an antique show. No, they're not acid free. I sometimes like to live on the edge. I also used some of my favorite Technique Tuesday fonts.
Oh, who am I kidding? Those fonts are all my favorites.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Cake and apples

We went out to dinner tonight.

The four of us.

As we sat down, Katrina noticed the teenage girls behind us. They were already finished with their dinner and were eating their dessert. Chocolate cake and ice cream.

Katrina couldn't take her eyes off of them. I tried to correct her, but it was of no use. She was obsessed with the cake and ice cream. Even the teenage girls were giggling over her obsession.

Eventually, they left and we were served our dinner.

The kid's meal came with dessert: a scoop of ice cream with your choice of either chocolate, strawberry or caramel topping.

When the waitress asked Trent what topping he wanted, he said without hesitation, "Strawberry!"

She asked Katrina what topping she wanted, chocolate, strawberry or caramel, she hesitated. After a second or two, Katrina looked at the waitress straight in the eye and said quite clearly, "Cake!"

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Oh, and the lizards/alligators in the backyard were about 6-8 inches long and probably about 3 inches around.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007



So, I guess the dogs were busy gathering lizards while we were out running errands today. There were two dead lizards in the backyard, obviously caught by the dogs, that were SO BIG they weren't lizards, they were alligators.

I tried to correct them and tell them they were really lizards, but neither one of them wanted anything to do with my observation.

They were alligators.

Plain and simple.

Not lizards.

I didn't take pictures.

I just scooped them up with the dog poop scooper, threw them over the fence, said a little prayer and that was it.